Check In
Sunday, 3:00–4:30 p.m.
Check-in begins at 3:00 pm. Please avoid arriving early. Our staff will not be ready, and we will ask you to wait.
Camp staff and signs will direct you to the Airnasium. Please ensure your camper’s swimsuit is readily accessible and with your camper, as they will complete their swim quest to test their skills in the water on Sunday afternoon.
Our staff will greet and help you at each check-in station. Check-in stations include initial check-in, camp nurse/medication drop-off, camp store/mail and luggage check.
- Missing forms or a balance due: You must complete all forms and pay your camp fee before moving through the stations.
- Medication station: If you have any medications (prescription and over-the-counter), you will stop at the nurse’s station to verify dosage and administration time. All medications must be in original containers (including inhalers), with instructions printed on the bottle.
- Returning campers: Please update any medical forms. All yearly forms (Authorization to Release Child, Health History and Parent/Camper Confidential) must be resubmitted.
It's time to say goodbye for now! After you and your camper visit each check-in station, you’ll say your goodbyes, and your camper will join their cabinmates. Then, you will return to your vehicle and exit camp.

Friday,* 10:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m.
Traditional (Rangers, Pathfinders, Trailblazers, TEENation), Fishing & Leadership Camps
Choose your check-out time at check-in.
Friday,* 9:15 a.m.
(gate opens at 9:00 a.m.)
Ranch Camps
Parents and guardians are invited to join us for a show before picking up their camper.
Please wait for YMCA Camp Willson staff to check ID’s. Parents/guardians or authorized adults must sign out all campers with their photo ID.
We'll direct you where to drive your car and park.
Make sure to check the lost and found table before you head out.
*Mini Week Check-out is on Wednesdays.

Swim Quest
We Keep Each Camper Safe In & Around Water
While our Summer Camp supervises all waterfront activities, we also require each camper to complete a swim quest so we know their comfort in the water. Campers complete their quest after they arrive on Sunday.
Swimmers must:
- Swim across the deep end of our waterfront swimming section
- Jump in the water to submerge
- Tread water for 1 minute 30 seconds
For campers who complete their quest, this means they can:
- Swim in the deep end
- Jump off our high jump
- Use our water trampoline
- Canoe with another green-band camper
- Kayak or paddleboard by themselves
For campers who aren’t yet able to complete the swim quest, we keep them safe by asking them to:
- Go canoeing with a counselor or camper with a green band